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Nawakwa Lodge Logo

2021 OA Spring Trail Crew

2021 OA Spring Trail Crew
Last Day To Register
3/31/2021 11:55 PM
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The last date for registration has passed.
Event: OA Spring Trail Crew
Date: April 3, 2021
Locations: Powhatan State Park
Members $15.00
  • Registration Closes - Wednesday, March 31



Spring has sprung and there’s work to be done! With February’s wintery weather, there are a lot of trees down, blocking hiking trails all over the commonwealth and Trail Crew has been called to action! These challenging times we’re living through have made our services more important for our mental and physical health in the era of COVID. Please join us for an opportunity to get outside and provide cheerful service so that others in our community may better enjoy their time in the outdoors as the weather warms up. This is an excellent chance for new Ordeal and Brotherhood members to earn service hours toward the First Year Arrowman Award.

We will assist in removing debris from February’s ice storms and perform seasonal maintenance so that our communities may enjoy these trails.

You are expected to bring a filled water bottle and a face mask along with a completed medical form (parts A&B) and COVID form.  Required forms and a list of supplies/gear needed for the event will be sent with instructions prior to the event.  For more information, or if you have questions, please contact

Payment of $15 will include lunch, an exclusive Nawakwa Trail Crew face mask, and a patch.

A Nawakwa Trail Crew long-sleeve work t-shirt is also available for $15. These are identical to the shirts offered at the last event, so here’s your chance to get one if you missed out in December.

Registration is very limited due to COVID restrictions. Participation is capped at 25, including adult leaders. Priority will be given to youth participants, and adults will be placed on a waiting list until the week of the event.

Contact E-mail
$15.00 per Nawakwa Adult Participant (21+)
$15.00 per Nawakwa Youth Participant (Under 21)
Cancellation Policy
Due to the cost of food purchases and supplies, no refunds will be made unless notification of cancellation is made to the Nawakwa Registration Team at prior to closing (5:00 PM) on the Wednesday preceding the event or for an emergency.

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